“Don’t worry, we are coming..” they said.
At least my eyes were working, on my deathbed.
I hid my patient's wristband and was roaming in the hospital corridor. I was bored laying on my bed, waiting for tomorrow. Tomorrow test results will come, and hopefully, then, doctors can figure out why it happened to me.
Luckily my roommates joined me after dinner. In two weeks, one of my roommates is about to get married, but for now, we all are amused to be here, sharing a big hospital room with 3 other actual patients. They tease me, pointing at the young beautiful doctor. I could not hide my big smile. I know in few minutes, my friends will leave and fill this boring night, I will have the company of that beauty. She looks like a freshly graduated doctor, whose beautiful eyes treat half of her patients, and make sick their accomplice.
I am not sure how my subconscious mind figured it out, but it made me kept my phone on my left side. Like it knew, if it happens again, then it will be the right half of my body that will get paralyzed. But then my mind didn’t realize, when it happened for the first time, I didn’t try speaking. So who knew, the tongue has left and right sides too.
I didn’t tell my family about it. At least till I myself not sure of what happened to me. Maybe by tomorrow, I will have answers. Maybe by tomorrow, I don’t need to talk about it to my family. And in all that I forgot to talk to them today. I wish I should have.
There was an uncomfortable kind of chill in the room. I realized I am dreaming. I dreamt, someone glued me to the bed, and chill in the air pinching me all over my body. As soon as I realized I was dreaming, I opened my eyes. But why this dream is still going on. Am I still in dreams? or did I woke up from a dream within a dream?
From the corner of my eyes, I could see someone outside the room. Nurses and rest, all are there. Did I swallow my tongue, as I could not feel it? Seems I am trapped within my still body. I was shaking within that still body. The more I tried, the more I got panicked. It was like trapped in quicksand. My body was quicksand, and within few minutes I will get drowned within it.
It was like getting hold of a tree branch in that quicksand when I found my phone. It was an eternity in those few minutes of my struggle. I could feel my right side of my body is going to eat up my left side soon. I was struggling to save myself from myself. I don’t want to go unheard like this, though I didn’t have time to think about this, loudly. But clearly, I was fighting for this only. It will be harsh on my family, from me, if I go like this, unheard.
They could not understand what I was saying. With numb tongue and stiffed right lips, I was speaking language of dumb. I could hear words I wanted to say but seems my mind was tricking me. Before I put my phone down, I heard them saying, “Don’t worry, we are coming.” They understood me. It made my heartbeat slow now. I can surrender myself, to this still body of mine.
Staring the gloomy room with a partial vision, my mind left the struggle. No more attempt to move my body. Seems doing so, my mind and body align to an agreement. As if my body took control of my mind and made it still like itself. My eyes were seeking no one around me, for help. They were searching for something inside me. Something which I want to see before I shut my eyes one last time.
I could feel drops of tears on my left cheek. It was my mother, I saw her. I could not leave anything which can take care of her as I do. Those were for me. It’s unacceptable to me. There should be some other way to leave, without giving her pain.
Between the phone call and the nurse running towards my bed, I lived a life at that moment.
Saw those beautiful eyes again. She had no clue what to do. But she did enough by staying within my peripheral vision. Though my right side was cursing her, for of no use as a doctor. But my left side was just adoring her panicked-yet-beautiful eyes. I felt petty for the nurse who was rubbing my right foot, which had no sense to appreciate that effort. Seems the whole night-shift staff took panic on my behalf. And there, I have no way to console them.
Soon my roommates were beside me. By that time my 20 minutes of struggle phase-out, and with that, the cute smile was also back on my sweetheart-for-one-night’s face.

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