What needed for Excellence - Harsha Bhogle

  1. End(Destination) Vs Path(Journey):
    1. End can be driver to ambitions. 
    2. To get result at all-cost, adds anxiety, forget how to manage present, don't allows check whether the path we following is fort with danger.
    3. Make the result irrelevant: perfect the process of performance n don't allow the pressure of result to choke your performance.
  2. More than performance, Excellence lies in Preparation:
    1. What you see on ground is just the end result of all that gone in before(in preparation).
    2. Not be unhappy with 100% effort, whatever be the result.
    3. Excellence is series of 100%(effort).
    4. Never grudge people for their success.
    5. If you give 100% every-time, before you know next opportunity will be in your lap.
  3. When seek Excellence, Seek people better than you:
    1. Always surround people better than you(not necessarily of your profession).
    2. Have people around you who tells you when you doing wrong more than when you do right.
    3. Arrogance often comes in the way of excellence.
  4. Be ready to be non-stricker:
    1. Rather than compete, collaborate.
    2. you crave what you lose.
    3. In the world of excellence, if you have ego n anger, then you don't need opponent.
    4. subjugate the self to achieve excellence.
  5. Talent Vs Excellence:
    1. Major part of excellence has nothing to do with talent. 
    2. Beyond certain level, ability or talent is most useless virtue to posses. 
    3. Talent breeds an ego n talent never solve problem beyond a point.
    4. Its what you do with talent what matters, Its Attitude what matters more than talent.
  6. Attitude, Work Ethic n Passion Vs Ability
    1. When you reach at top, its Passion to perform that counts more than ability.
    2. Ability opens the first door, it might open the second, but it will not open the last one.
  7. Learning From Mistakes:
    1. Mistakes can be your best friend. More mistakes you make more you know about what not to do.
    2. An excellence is as much about knowing what to do and knowing what not to do.
    3. There is no situation where you not allowed to make mistake. Its second or third time for same mistake which are not allowed.
  8. Excellence is about Desire:
    1. Desire makes whole day exciting.
    2. Sometime you want thing desperately, then you can actually make it happen. 
    3. It also about knowing everything about that profession.
  9. Does excellence require luck?
    1. Luck is combination of preparation and recognition(for opportunity).
    2. Harder you practice, luckier you get.
    3. When opportunity comes, you be prepared enough to use it. SIEZE THE MOMENT !!!
    4. Excellence raises its game when moments come.
    5. Its no good being a dog lying in street if no one notices you!!!
  10. Excellence is about Humility(even more than luck):
    1. Unless you are humble, you will never hang around, willing to do what it takes to for that opportunity to come.
  11. Excellence is about having confidence to share knowledge:
    1. Not sharing is insecurity, while excellence is not insecure.
    2. When knowledge comes it doesn't comes in sealed envelope.
    3. Some of us never know how we good we are, and that helps to push your boundaries.
    4. Excellence lives in present.
Philosophical lines:
Raise yourself to such a level, that when God wants to grant you a fortune, he ask you what you want.



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